Pyrenean High Route (HRP) - TPC guide

Pyrenean High Route (HRP) - TPC guide, 25€.

Why to hike this Pyrenean High Route?
Pyrenean High Route / Alta Ruta Pirenaica / Haute Route des Pyrénées / Haute Randonnée Pyrénéenne / HRP is the most popular unofficial route traversing the main mountain range in Spain and S France, the Pyrenees.
Among the many route combination possibilities, this guide shows the best option if you want to maximize beauty. It's also the best guide if you want to find the best bivouac spots / campsites.
Route description
Start: Cadaqués village / Cap de Creus cape / Mediterranean Sea.
End: Hendaye village / Cantabrian Sea (Atlantic Ocean).
Distance: 809Km.
Possible links: Alta Ruta Cantábrica in Roncesvalles village, stage 28.
Mission: to link the most beautiful spots of the Pyrenees.